About the project
The port authority is advancing the proposed Finn Slough Enhancement Project as potential fish habitat offsetting for the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project. Located near the junction of Dyke Road and No. 4 Road on the south shore of Richmond, B.C., the slough is tidally connected to the south arm of Fraser River on the west side of Gilmore Island. The project will enhance an area of approximately 0.5–1.0 hectares by removing accumulated logs and reconnecting the channel at the upstream end of Finn Slough. Log removal will allow marsh to re-establish, and reconnecting the channel will expand estuarine habitat and improve fish access. The project will also include the installation of a log boom to prevent re-accumulation.
Project status
The proposed Finn Slough Enhancement Project is currently in the design, permitting and approvals stage.
The port authority will continue to engage with all levels of government, regulators, and adjacent communities and consult with Indigenous groups during project development. The project would be subject to approval from Fisheries and Oceans Canada as offsetting for the RBT2 Project through the Fisheries Act Authorization process and would require a port authority project and environmental review permit, among others, to proceed.
Engagement with stakeholders and consultation with Indigenous groups is underway, and will include opportunities to provide feedback on the proposed project. Public engagement on the offsetting project will take place as part of project permitting.
The proposed offsetting project may change based on further consultation and technical input.