Vancouver Fraser Port Authority – Infrastructure Delivery | Portside Blundell Road Improvements

April 4, 2023

Project status

Permit issued

On October 16, 2023, a project permit was issued to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority – Infrastructure Delivery (“the Applicant”) to develop Portside Blundell Road Improvements. The project is located along the south arm of the Fraser River and within the City of Richmond and Port Authority’s Fraser Richmond industrial lands (FRIL), in Richmond, British Columbia on federal lands managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

The project was approved subject to 50 permit conditions that the Applicant must meet to ensure the project does not result in significant adverse environmental effects.

Construction is expected to take approximately 18 months to complete. However, a construction start date has not yet been confirmed. For more information about the project and construction activities, please visit the Applicant’s website.

About the project

The Applicant is proposing the Portside Blundell Road Improvements to address congestion issues and to improve safety associated with the existing railway crossing of Portside Road at Blundell Road, in the Fraser Richmond Industrial Lands (FRIL). The project is intended to address congestion and safety concerns at the existing rail crossing south of the intersection of Portside Road and Blundell Road. The project is to grade-separate the rail crossing while increasing road capacity at the intersection, to add a Multi-Use Pathway (MUP) west from the overpass along Portside Road, and to widen Blundell Road from two lanes to four lanes, west of the No. 8 Road Intersection. The project also includes various road lane upgrades, signage, and utility replacements.

Project activities and components include:

  • Portside Road overpass: The proposed overpass design includes a new two-lane bridge spanning Blundell Road, the CN rail line, and Portside Road, with a loop on either end to connect the bridge to Blundell Road and to Portside Road. The proposed location is approximately 150 to 200 metres west of the current rail crossing. A Multi-Use Pathway (MUP) would be constructed along the south side of Portside Road to provide pedestrian and bike access.
  • Blundell Road widening: The proposed design includes widening Blundell Road from two lanes to four lanes east of the No. 8 Road Intersection and west of York Road and construction of a MUP along the north side of Blundell Road. A new signalized intersection would be constructed, with two through lanes and turning lanes in each direction to connect the overpass loop to Blundell Road. Improvements are also being proposed at the No. 8 intersection by adding two through lanes on Blundell Road and a left turn lane eastbound to access No. 8 Road, while No. 8 Road would require two southbound lanes at the intersection, with one lane being dedicated as a right-turn lane to access Blundell Road.


Project description and location

Studies and reports


Management plans

Request for construction outside port authority standard work hours

Contact information

For more information about Applicant’s proposed project and public engagement completed prior to the PER process, please visit their website ( or contact them by email or phone at 604.665.9004.

For questions regarding the Project and Environmental Review of the proposed project, or to get in touch with our team, please contact us by email or phone at 604.665.9047.

Please note, when receiving public feedback as part of the PER process, the port authority may collect your personal information, i.e., your name, contact information and personal views and opinions, to inform the PER process for a proposed project. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties, such as our tenants, in order for them to respond directly to you or help inform our response.  You are entitled to submit a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner office here.