
At the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, we work to be a good neighbour to foster strong connections with the 16 municipalities and more than 35 Coast Salish First Nations groups that border the Port of Vancouver. Some of the ways we do this include:

  • Addressing the impact of port operations on neighbouring communities
  • Seeking input on port-related projects
  • Supporting organizations that benefit people who live and work near the port  

This work is intended to ensure Canadians enjoy the benefits of trade, an improved quality of life, and a healthy environment. 

New Westminster community at the quay

Community feedback

Port operations are industrial by nature and occur on a 24/7 basis. As a port authority, we are not involved in operations at port terminals, but we have a responsibility to community residents and businesses to minimize noise and other annoyances related to port activity as much as possible. We work with communities to proactively identify concerns associated with port operations, and with port users—such as terminals and shippers—to address those concerns.

To provide feedback on port activities, projects, or other matters, please contact our community feedback team at [email protected] or 604.665.9004.