Container trucking is an integral link in the port supply chain, responsible for moving about half of all marine shipping containers across the region. While the port authority is not responsible for trucking operations, in 2008 we set out environmental requirements for trucks through our Truck Licensing System. All container trucks that access port terminals must be approved and licensed through this program.
In 2008, we implemented stringent environmental requirements for container trucks at the Port of Vancouver to reduce air emissions. Since then, we have phased in the requirement for trucks with 2006 engines and older to have an approved emission control device that reduces particulate matter per truck by 20 to 25%. As of August 1, 2019, all additions, replacements, and returning trucks to any truck fleet in our Truck Licensing System program must meet the new minimum requirement of a 2014 truck, with equipment compliant with all original factory installed emissions standards.
Beginning in 2022, we will be enforcing more stringent environmental requirements for trucks that access the port, including a requirement that trucks cannot be more than 10 years old to be permitted to access the port. To help familiarize trucking companies with the various equipment options available to meet these new minimum standards, we will be launching the Clean Trucking Initiative in late 2020.
We also work with terminal operators and trucking companies to improve the efficiency of container operations and reduce truck idling. Terminals use extended hours and a reservation system to improve the efficiency of container truck movements on port lands and reduce congestion on the region’s roadways.
If you work at a trucking company and have questions, please see the information on our truck requirements.