2024 Haro Strait and Boundary Pass voluntary ship slowdown

A collaborative effort to create quieter and safer waters for the whales

Haro Strait and Boundary Pass are known areas of importance to southern resident killer whales, which are listed as endangered in both Canada and the United States. Both countries’ governments have identified underwater noise from ships as one of the key threats to killer whales due to its interference with their ability to hunt, navigate and communicate via echolocation.

To reduce the impacts of commercial shipping on at-risk whales in these key areas, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority-led Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program is coordinating a voluntary ship slowdown in Haro Strait and Boundary Pass in collaboration with government, the marine transportation industry, environmental groups, and Indigenous communities. During the voluntary slowdown, all ships transiting through the area are asked to slow down when safe and operationally feasible to do so to reduce disturbance to whales.

The Haro Strait and Boundary Pass voluntary slowdown is one of three threat reduction initiatives coordinated by the ECHO Program off the coasts of British Columbia and Washington State. Since 2017, these initiatives have encouraged thousands of ship operators to slow down or stay distanced in southern resident killer whale critical habitat, reducing underwater sound intensity by up to 55% in key foraging areas.

About the voluntary ship slowdown

The slowdown’s start and end dates are dependent on the presence of southern resident killer whales. This year, the slowdown could begin as early as June 1 and run as late as November 30, 2024.

During the slowdown, large commercial ships transiting through Haro Strait and Boundary Pass are asked to voluntarily slow down to the below speeds, when it is safe and operationally feasible to do so:

  • 14.5 knots or less through the water for vehicle carriers, cruise ships and container vessels
  • 11 knots or less through the water for bulkers, tankers, ferries and government vessels

The slowdown covers a total distance of 29.8 nautical miles.

To learn more, visit the following resources:

Slowing down makes a difference

By slowing down, participating ship operators helped reduce underwater sound intensity in Haro Strait and Boundary Pass by up to 50% in 2023. Listen to the difference between a ship transiting at a regular speed versus a reduced speed, captured during the ECHO Program’s 2017 slowdown at Haro Strait and Boundary Pass.

Ship transiting at regular speed

Ship transiting at reduced speed

Success requires collaboration

The logistics of coordinating a voluntary ship slowdown outside of the port authority’s jurisdiction are complex and involve collaboration with many other advisors and partners. The port authority is very grateful for the ongoing participation and support of our many advisors and partners who contribute to the continued success of these voluntary initiatives. This voluntary slowdown initiative is one of the commitments under the ECHO Program’s Species at Risk Act, Section 11 Conservation Agreement.

Annual reorts, questions or feedback

A summary of the 2023 voluntary slowdown in Haro Strait and Boundary Pass can be found here: Summary report – 2023 Haro Strait and Boundary Pass voluntary ship slowdown. For access to previous years’ annual reports, please contact the ECHO Program team at [email protected].

For questions or comments on the ECHO Program, send an email to [email protected].or call the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Operations Centre at 604.665.9086. For updates on the lateral displacement and other ECHO Program initiatives, please subscribe to the ECHO Program newsletter