Trucking at the Port of Vancouver
Container trucking plays a vital role in Canada’s supply chains and in keeping trade moving through the Port of Vancouver. The trucking sector is responsible for moving about half of all container shipments to facilities across the Lower Mainland region.
As the port authority, we are federally mandated to ensure that goods move safely and efficiently throughout the port jurisdiction, and this includes the roadways that connect port terminals to North America. To do this, we work collaboratively with all container trucking stakeholders to improve stability and efficiency in the drayage sector, while also enhancing safety and environmental protection.

Truck Licensing System
The port authority operates a Truck Licensing System (TLS) program, which regulates a set of criteria that all trucking companies and their vehicles—both local and long haul—must meet before they can access federally owned port property. These criteria help mitigate trucking impacts on the environment and local communities, while also supporting driver safety and efficient goods movement.
Requirements under our TLS program include:
- Installing global positioning system (GPS) units on all trucks to calculate average terminal turn and wait times, and ensure that drivers are properly paid
- Maintaining a minimum truck age to ensure lower air emissions and increased vehicle safety
- Using common data interfaces that connect trucking companies to container terminals to improve operational efficiencies
TLS program requirements
- Installing global positioning system (GPS) units on all trucks to calculate average terminal turn and wait times, and ensure that drivers are properly paid
- Maintaining a minimum truck age to ensure lower air emissions and increased vehicle safety
- Using common data interfaces that connect trucking companies to container terminals to improve operational efficiencies
TLS-approved drayage carriers
Last updated: December 2024
Last updated: September 2024
For more information about trucking at the Port of Vancouver or the TLS program, please call 604.665.9333 or email us at [email protected].