Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Ltd. | Neptune Berths 1 to 3 – Maintenance Dredging
Project status
Permit amendment issued
In September 2023, amendment PER No. 22-174-01 was issued to Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Ltd. The amendment approved conducting maintenance dredging works 24 hours per day, seven days per week to minimize disruption to terminal operations. The project is located in the waterlot fronting 1001 Low Level Road, North Vancouver, B.C.
About the proposed amendment: the amendment was for Condition 18 of PER No. 22-174, which previously stipulated that dredging works were to be conducted between 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Mitigation measures to be implemented to reduce impacts due to light and noise. Noise monitoring will also be conducted.
Permit issued
On January 23, 2023 a project permit was issued to Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Ltd. (“the Applicant”) to conduct maintenance dredging of Berths 1 to 3 at its terminal located within the waterlot fronting 1001 Low Level Road, in North Vancouver BC, on federal lands and waters managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.
The project was approved subject to 37 permit conditions the Applicant must meet to ensure the project does not result in significant adverse environmental effects. Please see the Impact Assessment Act Registry for the Notice of Intent and Notice of Decision.
About the project
The Applicant was issued a multi-year permit for dredging works in the waterlot fronting 1001 Low Level Road, North Vancouver, B.C. Dredging is required to remove accumulated sediment to restore each berth’s design depth to maintain appropriate vessel clearance. Dredging has recently been carried out following a similar work plan out at Berth 1 under PER 18-027 and Berths 2 and 3 under PER 20-070.
Dredging works will include removal of up to 200 cubic metres per year from Berths 1 to 3, to depth ranging from -14.0 to -18.4 metres chart datum. Dredging will be carried out using an environmental clamshell bucket. Material will be dredged using an environmental clamshell bucket and loaded into a sealed scow for testing and disposal at an approved upland facility. Any entrained water within the sealed scow will be collected into storage tanks for testing and disposal at an approved upland facility. Works will be carried out within the Port Authority’s standard work hours. Works are proposed to take seven to 10 days annually and will be completed within the fisheries least risk window for Burrard Inlet. Works may be spread out throughout this period.
Contact information
For questions regarding the Project and Environmental Review of the proposed project, or to get in touch with our team, please contact us by email or phone at 604.665.9047.
Please note, when receiving public feedback as part of the PER process, the port authority may collect your personal information, i.e., your name, contact information and personal views and opinions, to inform the PER process for a proposed project. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties, such as our tenants, in order for them to respond directly to you or help inform our response.