We’re excited to share that construction on the Holdom Overpass Project begins today, December 9. Once complete, the project will improve traffic flow and safety for the Burnaby community, increase trade capacity and efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We are making every effort to minimize the impact of construction on local residents and businesses, and look forward to keeping the community updated as construction progresses.

Construction advances according to schedule

This project is part of the Burnaby Rail Corridor Improvements Project, a series of road and rail improvements to increase transportation efficiency and trade capacity through Port of Vancouver terminals on the North Shore.

CN completed the rail improvements in 2022, and we are now beginning construction on the road enhancements. To inform the design of the overpass and other project aspects, we undertook technical analysis, design development, three phases of public engagement, and consultation with First Nations (which will continue throughout the duration of the project).

Today, we are pleased to share a high-level project timeline, in response to feedback we received during the last public engagement:

Holdom overpass project timeline

Work is underway in the project area

Holdom overpass project sign on the road

Over the next few weeks, you may notice some minor construction activities in the project area. This includes activities that will impact traffic, as well as the installation of tree protection fencing, silt fencing, wildlife exclusion fencing, and temporary construction fencing and signage along the Central Valley Greenway.

This work will not impact cycling or pedestrian access to the Central Valley Greenway, including the portion of the path between Douglas and Kensington. Traffic control personnel will ensure public safety and assist in directing the movement of any equipment and workers in the area as required. Signage will be in place prior to any closures to inform drivers of any traffic pattern changes.

Please drive slowly, use caution, and obey signage and traffic personnel. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

About the project

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is delivering the Holdom Overpass Project in partnership with the City of Burnaby, CN, and the Government of Canada. The new four-lane overpass will extend Holdom Avenue south, over the rail corridor and Still Creek, connecting it with Douglas Road. Once complete, the overpass will replace the Douglas Road rail crossing, improving public safety, emergency response, and reliability of commutes. 

This project is funded by the Government of Canada through the National Trade Corridors Fund, the port authority, and CN. Aecon-Gateway Infrastructure Group Partnership is the design-build contractor.


phone 604.665.9004
email [email protected]
computer portvancouver.com/holdomoverpass

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