Holdom overpass project report cover

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during our third and final phase of engagement for the Holdom Overpass Project, which took place between August 12 to September 2, 2024.  The engagement summary report is now available.

What this engagement involved

We presented the overpass concept design to the community and gathered people’s ideas and interests about construction. This is helping to inform our traffic and construction management plan.

To provide the community with meaningful opportunities to learn about the project and talk to staff, we:

  • Hosted two public open houses at the Christine Sinclair Community Centre in Burnaby
  • Created a discussion guide and posted it online
  • Provided an online questionnaire
  • Printed copies of the discussion guide and questionnaire for the open houses
  • Invited people to share their feedback with us by emailing, calling our feedback line, or mailing the port authority

What we learned

Working with the City of Burnaby and CN to gather community feedback, we identified some common themes for consideration:

Project updates and construction communications:

  • Community would like to be updated on construction activities in the area 
  • Preferred methods for receiving construction communications are email newsletter, social media, and project webpage

Traffic and construction management:

  • Concern about potential traffic congestion and delays 
  • Concern about the closure of Douglas Road rail crossing once the overpass is completed
  • Maintain access routes for local businesses, residences and the Central Valley Greenway during construction

Next steps

The port authority and the project’s design builder Aecon-Gateway Infrastructure Group are considering the information from this public engagement to complete the final design of the overpass and public space enhancements in the area. We are also collaborating on a construction and traffic management plan.

About the Holdom Overpass Project

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is delivering the Holdom Overpass Project in partnership with the City of Burnaby, CN, and the Government of Canada. The new four-lane overpass will extend Holdom Avenue south, over the rail corridor and Still Creek, connecting it with Douglas Road. Once complete, the Holdom Overpass will replace the Douglas Road rail crossing. As a result, there will be improved safety and connections for the Burnaby community, improved emergency response, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of the Burnaby Rail Corridor Improvements Project, the Holdom Overpass will also increase transportation efficiency and trade capacity through the port terminals on the North Shore. The Aecon-Gateway Infrastructure Group Partnership is the Design-Build Contractor for the Holdom Overpass Project.


phone 604.665.9004
email [email protected]

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